Brighton 1st October 2020
Thank you Brighton you were amazing! Watch this space for videos of the event coming soon.
Each site has 3 separate lasers, you will either control them all or one at a time, depending on how busy it is. Click the red button above and you’ll be presented with the three sites:
- Sussex Heights
- Tower Point
- Seven Dials
Along with wait times for each one. Tap on the site you want and you’ll then have the chance to join the queue. IMPORTANT : do not let your phone switch off or you will lose your place!
Once it’s your turn you’ll get a countdown and then the lasers will be at your fingertips! Move the laser around by tapping and dragging on the screen. You’ll also have a choice of colours and shapes.
Having trouble? Contact us through our Facebook page and we’ll do what we can to help.
Don’t forget to tune in to radio station Platform B who are providing a soundtrack to the evening which coincides with their 2nd birthday. 105.5FM, DAB or online at PLATFORMB.ORG.UK

We will be installing in collaboration with Same Sky, the incredible local arts organisation behind Burning the Clocks and The Children’s Parade.
Thanks to Sussex Heights, PLATF9RM, Metranet and Fugu PR for providing their sites and services. Part funded by the Arts Council England.